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Novi Fajar Utami, Oom Komala, Ria Komalasari, Akhmad Endang Zainal Hasan

Judul : Formulation and Evaluation of Vaginal Douche Made From Robusta Coffee (Coffea canephora L.) Extract and Betel Leaf (Piper betel Linn) Against Candida albicans fungus Growth
Abstrak :

Fluor albus is a problem that is vary troubing for women. Abnormal fluor albus is characterized by a large a mount of fluid, white in color such as stale milk, yellow or greenish, itchy, sore and accompanied by a fishy or rotten odor.  The robusta coffe bean and betel leaf are plants that have been trusted their efficacy as anti-fluor albus.  These plants have ability to inhibit Candida albicans growth. This study aims to determine the best formula of vaginal douche made from robusta bean extract and betel leaf.  The method used in this research was dilution agar for MIC and diffusion of disc paper for LDH against formula 0 (base), formula 1  (robusta extract 0,7%), formula 2 (betel extract 8%), formula 3 (combination 10%, formula 4 (combination 15%), formula 5 (combination 20%) and Vaginal douche in the market as a positive control.  The result showed that MIC in robusta extract was at concentration of 0,5% and for betel leaf extract was at 0,6%. Whereas LDH results in formula 2 single betel leaf extract (8 gr/100 ml) and formula 5 combination vaginal douche 20% (robusta 0,14 gr/100 ml and betel leaf 1,6 gr/100 ml) is the best vaginal douche formula as an antifungal of Candida albicans. Besides, this combination is better than the positive control of vaginal douche in the market. 

Tahun : 2018 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Internasional
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 11 / 9 / 2018
ISSN/ISBN : 2230-8407
PTN/S : universitas Pakuan Program Studi : BIOLOGI
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