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Eri Sarimanah

Judul : Bridging the unbridgeadle changing paradigms in malay-indonesian studies
Abstrak :

Indonesian Literature learning is aimed at sharpening feeling, thought, imagination, as well as the sense towards community, culture, and students’ circumstances. In general, Indonesian Literature learning can give positive contribution to education of character, attitude, culture knowledge and language skills.OneeffortthatIndonesianpeople dotoreachthoseelementsisbyshapping good characters, and education has great contribution in shapping students’ character. Character values can be reached through the implementation of lesson studyin Literaturelearning. Learningactivity ispacked through plan,do, see. On plan stage, the teacher develops chapter design and lesson design followed by do, an open lesson that implements metacognitive strategy. In open lesson other teachers sit in as the observers. In do stage the students evaluate deeply upon literature lesson that they will learn (self-planning) and identify the character value in the literature they read. The students observe their own understanding about what they are reading (self-monitoring). The last stage in do is evaluating the learning process and the learning product (self-evaluation). The last activity is see or reflection. The teacher, the students and the observers reflect the learning process and the learning product for a better learning in the next meeting. The result of observation note shows that the implementation of lesson study in the learning process develop independent learning. The students actively discuss and respect other’s opinion. Literature learning through lesson study can develop students’ positive characters. Norman Podhoretz’s statement that “literature can give huge influence on someone’s thinking about life, good and bad,truefalse,wayofhisownandpeople’s”ishopefullycanbeachieved.


Tahun : 2014 Media Publikasi : Prosiding
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : 0 / 0 / 2014
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