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Didik Notosudjono

Abstrak :


Dependancy of PT. PLN (Electric State National Company) from Diesel Power Plant ( PLTD) outside Java Island Region is still very big. Financially, PT PLN   ( State Electric company)  at the moment have faced many loss, because electric price sale to consumers is not equal to the Electric Generation Base Cost (BPP) of  PLTD. It is true the condition of in this time become dilemma to PT. PLN (Electric National Company of Government), one side have to increase  the benefit, on the other hand PT. PLN  claimed to improve customer service to consumer, with the increase of oil price which continue to rise and even tend to be uncontrolled. renewable energy development at the moment in Indonesia have to looked for by its solution as soon as possible, in order to renewable energy growth in Indonesia, considering big enough renewable  energy potency, some alternative to improving renewable energy growth, exploiting system hybrid technology between PLTD and Photovoltaic. Regional of west Kalimantan  there is 13 Isolated PLTD which included in priority group to be developed to become hybrid system (Photovolataic- Diesel Generator), totally Installed Capacity equal to 1.148 kW or 2% from all Isolated PLTD capacities in West Kalimantan Province that is 50.823 kW. Before conducted by hybrid, produced electrics energy equal to 1.947.996 kWh and after conducted by hybrid, yielded electrics energy become equal to 2.782.851 kWh

Tahun : 2016 Media Publikasi : jurnal nasional blm akreditasi
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 1 / 1 / 2016
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : TEKNIK ELEKTRO
Bibliography :

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