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Rais Hidayat And Elizabeth Yuyun Patras

Judul : Factors Causing Difficulties in Student Learning and the Solutions: A Case Study in PGSD Program of FKIP Pakuan University, Bogor, Indonesia
Abstrak :


This study aims to determine the factors that cause learning difficulties experienced by students of Primary School Teacher Education Program of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (PGSD Program of FKIP) Pakuan University Indonesia. The research applies descriptive-analytical design taking the sample of 100 students from the population of PGSD students in their fourth semester. The data collection is done by conducting questionnaires and interviews.

This study revealed some causes of student learning difficulties that stand on the first rank and arise from the internal factors are lack of motivation, lack of interest in becoming a teacher, intellectual limitations, being-not-talented perception of becoming a teacher and lack of need of achievement. The solution to solve the difficulties of learning is done by establishing self-motivation.

The causes of the learning difficulty arising from external factors and standing on the first rank are peers and friendship, the condition of their residence, parental attention and family economic level, as well as the condition of the society. The way to solve such learning difficulties are by being selective in establishing friendship, resisting the influence of the social environment and showing to the family and the society that one is able to be independent.

This  study revealed  that  the cause  of the external  learning difficulties  related  to college life standing on the first rank are the availability and condition of the class room, the low quality of the lecturers, the availability of books, student activities, and frequency of the teaching practice.  The solutions  performed by the students,  among others,  are by being independent learners, searching for their own reference books, and preparing visual aids together.

Base on that results then lecturers, educational institutions, and parents need to know the kinds of factors causing difficulties in student learning, because diffrent factors is diferent solution.

Keywords:  learning difficulties, solutions, motivation, college life

Tahun : 2014 Media Publikasi : prosiding
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : - / - / 2014
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : PENDIDIKAN BAHASA INGGRIS
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