Repository Universitas Pakuan

Detail Karya Ilmiah Dosen

Rais Hidayat, Yuyun Elizabeth Patras

Abstrak :

Indonesia's major expectations at the university in order to become an actor in the creation of competitiveness depend on the quality of lecturers. One quality indicator in this case is that the lecturer should behave ethically, i.e. what he/she does and says is always consistent with and based on moral values. This study aims to describe the lecturer ethical behavior based on the survey conducted at some private universities in Bogor. The population of this research was 707 lecturers of Pakuan University, Nusa Bangsa University, Djuanda University and Ibnu Khaldun University. The questionnaires of this research were distributed to the 30 lecturers. Therefore, by proportional random sampling, the sample of this research was

130 lecturers who were selected proportionally and randomly. The results of this study reveal that there are several issues of lecturer ethical behavior that should obtain public's attention, among others are: (1) the courage of lecturers to report academic violation; (2) tolerance towards diversity; (3) the efforts to improve the wealth of the lecturers; and (4) the efforts to retain the academic freedom.

Keywords: ethical behavior, academic community, excellent service

Tahun : 2015 Media Publikasi : prosiding
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : - / - / 2015
ISSN/ISBN : 2443-1753
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : PENDIDIKAN BAHASA INGGRIS
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