Abstrak |
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The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship of organizational culture, transformational
leadership, and personality with Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) teachers, either individually in
group. This study was conducted on 202 teachers of civil servants selected by multistage Proportional Sampling
of 11 junior high school in Bogor City. This study used a type of combination methods that is sequential
explanatory design that begins with a quantitative study then deepened with qualitative research. The purpose
qualitative research after the implementation of quantitative research is to obtain a clarification of the results of
quantitative research, wether qualitative research deepens, proves and gives meaning to quantitative data or
otherwise aborts the results of quantitative research. The research concludes there is positive and significant
relationship and it is strengthened by the results of qualitative research that: 1) There is positive significant
correlation between organizational culture with OCB ry
Ŷ = 84,66+ 0,33 X
= 0.234 (R²y
= 11.2%) with the regression equation
. 2). There is positive significant correlation between transformational leadership with
OCB ry
= 0.446 (R
=19.8%) with the regression equation Ŷ = 72,77 + 0,44 X
significant correlation between personality with OCB ry
= 0.659 (R
= 46,36 + 0,70 X
. 3) There is positive
= 43.5%) with the regression equation Ŷ
. 4) There is positive significant correlation between organizational culture, transformational
leadership, and personality together with OCB ry
19,44+ 0,08 X
+ 0,22 X
= 0,700 (R
= 48.9%) with regression equation Ŷ =
+ 0,58 X
. The quantitative research results are reinforced by the qualitative
Keywords: Organi
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