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Rouland Ibnudarda, Achmad Farajallah, Dyah Perwitasari, Amir Hamidy, Wahyu Prihatini, Boby Darmawan

Judul : Female reciprocal calling of pearly tree frog (Nyctixalus margaritifer Boulenger, 1882) in West Java, Indonesia
Abstrak :

yctixalus margaritifer, also known as the pearly tree frog, was described based on a male specimen purchased from the East Indies. The Royal Museum, Brussels, lost the specimen between 1882 and 1884. Nonetheless, in 1884, V. Huegel 1884 discovered a male specimen from Willis Mountains (Java), which was established as this species’neotype. N. margaritifer is endemic and disjunct in Java, Indonesia, in undisturbed highland forests above 700 m elevation. In 1998, Iskandar discovered female species specimens in Situ Gunung in Mount Gede Pangrango West Java. Later, in 2019, Rumanta found five specimens at Telaga Warna in Mount Gede, West Java. All previous research, however, did not include descriptions or recordings of the species’ acoustic signals. Per the previous studies, this paper focuses on species found in West Java. Using the playback experiment method, we have described and documented the previously unknown call of the female N. margaritifer. Based on the results of the playback experiment, the female frogs recognized and responded to the conspecific acoustic stimuli we provided. We recorded 28 response calls emitted after the call of note groups consisting of 10 notes with a response duration of 1.7 ± 0.8 (0.09–4.44 s) and 34 calls emitted after note groups consisting of 12 notes with a response duration of 2.43 ± 1.9 (0.56–8 s). Regarding the number of call responses, these results prove that the female N. margaritifer can emit calls and be attracted to long and constant male calls, as commonly observed in other anurans. The female calls had unpulsed characteristics consisting of numerous harmonics within a sparse spectrum, which is similar to the note type in call of a male N. margaritifer recorded by Michael Ready and male N. pictus. A total of 36 calls exhibited a dominant frequency modulation of 3.57 ± 2.67 (1.1–11.16 Hz/ms), while 25 calls had an index modulation of 1.22 ± 0.21 (1.0–1.6). The results indicate that the female frogs consistently maintained their calls with amplitude modulation, dominant frequency modulation, or both. Nevertheless, the limitations of this study were that we only obtained recordings from four females. Therefore, future studies with representative samples are needed to explore the acoustical signal and vocalization in the female N. margaritifer.



Tahun : 2024 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Internasional
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 5410 / 2 / 2024
ISSN/ISBN : 1175-5326
PTN/S : universitas pakuan Program Studi : BIOLOGI
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