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Alo Karyati, Alo Karyati

Judul : Application of Storytelling Methods in Happyo Subjects To Improve Japanese Speaking Skills Application of Storytelling Methods in Happyo Subjects To Improve Japanese Speaking Skills
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This research raises the theme of the effectiveness of storytelling methods in the teaching of happyou subjects. The research problem focused on students' speech skills before and after using storytelling methods, differences in students' abilities before and after using storytelling methods, whether storytelling methods can improve japanese speaking skills, how students respond to happyou teaching using storytelling methods. This research aims to describe the effectiveness of storytelling methods against happyou learning subjects. From theoretical studies, it is known that storytelling is an oral activity designed to be listened to in many situations, involving the listener to participate. Storytelling is a productive oral language skill, in the form of speaking skills.  In happyou learning that uses storytelling methods, students have a very important role. Because in the learning process students are required to actively speak, while teachers as mediators. From the theories obtained, it is known that fairy tales are grouped into four large groups, namely animal fairy tales, ordinary fairy tales, jokes or anecdotes, and fairy tales. Fairy tales can also come from personal stories, fictitious stories, love stories, ghost stories, and others. The research method used is quasi experiment, which focuses on one class studied. The research instruments are tests (pretest and posstest), questionnaires, and interviews. The research was conducted at the Japanese Literature and Culture Study Program of Darma Persada University Jakarta. The students studied were 4th semester students, with a research sample of 26 people. The data analysis technique in this study uses softwere SPSS version 16 00. By analyzing the results of pretest and posstest values, T-tests, and correlations. Based on the results of the analysis of this study, it is known that the ability to speak before using the storytelling method is sufficient with the average score obtained (65.72) the smallest value of 30 and the largest is 90. The research instruments are tests (pretest and postest), questionnaires, and interviews. The research was conducted at the Japanese Literature and Culture Study Program of Darma Persada University Jakarta. The students studied were 4th semester students, with a research sample of 26 people. The data analysis technique in this study uses softwere SPSS version 16 00. By analyzing the results of pretest and postest values, T-tests, and correlations. Based on the results of the analysis of this study, it is known that the ability to speak before using the storytelling method is sufficient with the average score obtained (65.72) the smallest value of 30 and the largest is 90. The data analysis technique in this study uses softwere SPSS version 16 00. By analyzing the results of pretest and postest values, T-tests, and correlations. Based on the results of the analysis of this study, it is known that the ability to speak before using the storytelling method is sufficient with the average score obtained (65.72) the smallest value of 30 and the largest is 90. But after using the storytelling method, the student's speech ability is relatively good, with the average score obtained (72.17), the lowest score 40 and the highest score (93). From the results of the analysis of pretest and postest value data it can be known that storytelling methods are effectively applied in the teaching of happyou subjects.

Tahun : 2022 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Internasional
Kategori : Buku No/Vol/Tahun : 3 / 3 / 2022
ISSN/ISBN : 978-93-90753-61-1
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : BAHASA & SASTRA JEPANG
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