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Hari Muharam, Sufrin Hannan, Fitri Haryanto

Judul : The Relationship Between Promotion Mix and Price Perception With Student Purchasing Decisions: A Continuing Study
Abstrak :

This study aims to analyse the correlation between promotion mix and
price perception with student purchasing decisions in continuing studies.
Research by the author uses quantitative methods. The population of this
study was all One-Year Professional Program students at the El Rahma
Educational Institute Bogor in 2017/2018, amounting to 191 people. The
sampling method used was stratified random sampling with the number of
samples taken determined using the Slovin formula totalling 130
respondents. Data analysis uses simple linear and multiple regression
tests, simple correlation test, multiple correlation test, partial correlation
test, and the coefficient of determination test. The results showed there
was a positive and significant relationship between the promotion mix
variable and the purchase decision with a correlation coefficient (r) of
0.770, which means strong. And the contribution of the promotion mix
variable (X1) to the purchase decision (Y) obtained the value of R Square
(R²) of 0.593, and this means that the promotion mix (X1) made a
contribution of 59.3% to the purchase decision (Y). There is a positive and
significant relationship between the variable price perception with
purchase decisions with a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.711, which means
strong. And the contribution of the price perception variable (X2) to the
purchase decision (Y) obtained R Square value of 0.505, and this means
that the price perception variable (X2) formed a contribution of 50.5% to
the purchase decision (Y). There is a positive and significant relationship
between the promotion mix variable and price perception, together with
the purchase decision with a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.799, which
means strong. And the contribution of the promotion mix (X1) and price
perception (X2) together with the buying decision (Y) obtained an
Adjusted R Square (R²) value of 0.632. This shows that 63.2% of student
purchasing decisions in continuing their studies at the El Rahma
Educational Institution in Bogor are influenced by the promotion mix and

Tahun : 2019 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Internasional
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 6 / 5 / 2019
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : MANAJEMEN
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