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Tri Mahajani, Suhendra, Stella Talitha, Ainiyah Ekowati, Alfi Rahmayanti

Judul : Phrases Misuse in Student Description Texts SMP Kosgoro Bogor
Abstrak :

Language error analysis is a procedural work applied on the use of language to determine the factors causing language errors. This analysis can be done at each language unit, including at the phrase level. This study will examine the use of phrases in the descriptive text of VII grade students at SMP Kosgoro Bogor. The focus of this research is to analyze the use of phrases including the influence of regional language, inappropriate prepositions, wording errors, excessive use of elements, excessive superlatives. This study aims at describing the forms of phrases misuse in composing descriptive texts. Descriptive qualitative with literature study techniques is used in this research. Through this method, the data are analyzed to determine the forms of errors phrase and are described qualitatively. The results of the data analysis show that the use of phrases varies widely with different percentages. There were 58 cases of errors found. The form of phrase error that is mostly done by students is the influence of local language or B1 students which embedded into the structure of the phrase. This form of error is caused by the inclusion of a variety of conversations that are usually used in everyday life and the inclusion of non-standard varieties. The error in using prepositions or prepositions is caused by the students' inaccuracy in distinguishing the form of the prefix and prepositions. The next mistake is the misuse of excessive elements. This error is due to the insertion of unnecessary elements in the order of the phrases. There is also the superlative overload error. This error lies in the application of two superlative forms in one phrase. This error occurs because students have not carefully distinguished two superlative forms that have the same meaning. The conclusion of this study is that there are five forms of errors in phrase usage. The errors are due to the entry of student's mother tongue (B1), the influence of foreign languages, the inability to distinguish the prefix and preposition, and the excessive use of superlatives.

Tahun : 2020 Media Publikasi : Seminar Internasional
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : - / - / 2020
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