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Abdul Rosyid, Poppy Sofia Hidayati

Judul : The 11th AISOFOLL 'Facing Industrial Revolution 4.0. Through Language Education'
Abstrak :

The development of technology can be beneficial for the teachers in order to support their teaching and learning process. It is also no doubt that technology can help them prepare independent learners. From various types of applicable technology, mobile device becomes the easiest and the most common technology used by both teachers and students due to its flexibility in terms of time and place. Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) is the academic name of teaching and learning activities by deploying mobile device. This research is an endeavor to promote EFL learners’ pronunciation and their learning autonomy. ELSA Speak Application and Video Caption were chosen to be applied in order to reach the purpose of this research. The method employed in this study was classroom action research. It was then completed by administering a questionnaire and conducting a focused group discussion. The result of this research shows that there is a great decrease on students’ pronunciation problems in the area of segmental and supra-segmental after they got some treatments by applying ELSA Speak App and Video Caption in two cycles. Besides, by using those media, students can learn independently as it was revealed from the result of questionnaire and FGD. In short, it can be taken into account that Mobile Assisted Language Learning was found it effective to help the students encounter their pronunciation problems and to promote their learning autonomy as well.

Keywords: MALL, Pronunciation, Autonomous Learning

Tahun : 2020 Media Publikasi : Prosiding
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : 11 / 11 / 2020
ISSN/ISBN : 2686-1046
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