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Ida Ryanti, Soewarto Hadhienata

Judul : The Correlation between Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership and Work Motivation to Work
Abstrak :

Abstract: This study aims to determine the relationship of independent variables: Organizational Culture,
Transformational Leadership, and Work Motivation either individually or together with the dependent
variable of Job Satisfaction. The selected sample is 249 people with criteria of lecturer of a private Islamic
university in Jambi Province, Indonesia.  This research uses Sequential Explanatory Design Mixed Method
with quantitative method first then followed with the qualitative approach. This procedure is intended to
produce more in-depth and comprehensive research. The result of this research concludes that: there is
relationship of organizational culture with job satisfaction through regression equation Ŷ = 13,126 + 0,880 X
1  with R2 = 76,8%, transformational leadership with job satisfaction through regression equation Ŷ = 24,857
+ 0,759 X 2 with R2  = 57,1 %, and work motivation with job satisfaction through regression equation Ŷ =
28,384 + 0,747 X 3 with R2 = 55,6%. Also, there is positive relation of organisation culture,
transformational leadership and work motivation together with job satisfaction through regression equation Ŷ
= 0,623 + 0,650 X1 + 0,149 X2 + 0,205 X3 with R2 = 83,2% indicating there are other factors that also
related positive with an increase in job satisfaction of 16.8%.
Keywords: Teachers performance, organizational culture, transformational leadership, and work

Tahun : 2017 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Internasional
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 9 / 5 / 2017
ISSN/ISBN : 2349-0330
PTN/S : universitas pakuan Program Studi : MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN
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The Correlation Between Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership and Work Motivation to
Work Satisfaction


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research (IJMSR)                                                 Page | 23

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