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Pajriah Nurhasanah1), Tri Saptari Haryani1), Dwi Ningsih Susilowati2)

Judul : Potensi Ekstrak Rumput Laut Yang Diperkaya Dengan Mikroba Endofit Sebagai Biostimulan Pada Perkecambahan Tanaman Tomat (Solanum Lycopersicum L.)
Abstrak :

Potensi Ekstrak Rumput Laut Yang Diperkaya Dengan Mikroba Endofit Sebagai Biostimulan Pada Perkecambahan Tanaman Tomat (Solanum Lycopersicum L.) Pajriah Nurhasanah1), Tri Saptari Haryani1), Dwi Ningsih Susilowati2) 1) Universitas Pakuan 2) Balai Besar Pertanian dan Sumberdaya Genetik Bogor Prodi Biologi, Universitas Pakuan Bogor Alamat Koresponden : Abstract Tomato production in Indonesia is still relatively low due to the low quality of the seeds used. Poor quality seeds will reduce the germination of seeds. The use of natural biostimulants was able to increase the germination of tomato plants, one of which was the effort to add seaweed and endophytic microbes. This research was conducted in January 2020-March 2020 in the BB-Biogen Microbiology Laboratory. The method used is an experimental method. The purpose of this study was to obtain biostimulant concentrations from seaweed extracts supplemented with endophytic microbes. Some concentrations tested were (1.25%, 2.5%, 3.75%, and 5%) and positive controls (commercial biostimulants) and negative controls namely aquades applied to seeds using several parameters, namely: Percentage of growth , Average seedling time and wet weight. Application is given as much as 4ml. Giving biostimulant with a concentration of 2.5% plus dark septate endophytic mold and giving a concentration of 3.75% added with endophytic bacteria was able to increase germination in tomato plants. Keywords : Tomato, Germination, Seaweed, Microbes

Tahun : 2020 Media Publikasi : Seminar Nasional
Kategori : Inovasi No/Vol/Tahun : - / - / 2020
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : BIOLOGI
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