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Edy Sudaryanto, Resty Widya Kurniasari

Judul : The Effect of Organizational Culture, Leadership Style and Personality toward Job Satisfaction of Auditors and Supervisors (Case Study Provincial and District/City Inspectorates in West Java-Indonesia)
Abstrak :

Regional Inspectorate as the Internal Control Official Government (APIP) plays a role to control and supervise the management of regional finance that can spur the implementation of good governance and the development of regional that can impact on improving the welfare of the community in the area concerned.

A control and supervision by the local inspectorate (provincial/district/city) is capable to immediately implement good governance which is one of the indicators of the realization of the implementation of free corruption, collusion, and nepotism (KKN) local government. Therefore, it needs APIP internal controls in each local government (Prof. Dr. Eko Prasojo, Kompas newspaper, March 28, 2015. Opinion Column: 7).

The change of supervision system by APIP is needed to strengthen the capacity and capability of human resources especially the functional officials, such as the auditor and supervisor (P2UPD) as the front guard in controlling and supervising the heads of regions (Governor, Regent, and Mayor) in decision making.

The role of auditors and supervisors as the motors in succeeding the tasks and functions carried by the regional inspectorates surely can not be separated from the auditor and supervisor as human figures who would expect a job satisfaction that will influence the organization culture and the personality of the auditors or supervisor.

Due to the problems above, this research uses quantitative method and random sampling which is focused on whether the existence of two functional positions of auditors and supervisors who perform almost similar tasks in one institution/inspectorate will affect the job satisfaction, viewed from the aspect of organization culture, leadership style and personality.

Keywords: Organization Culture, Leadership Style, Personality, and Job Satisfaction

Tahun : 2020 Media Publikasi : Prosiding
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : 2352-5428/978-94-6252-897-0 / 117 / 2010
ISSN/ISBN : 2352-5428/978-94-6252-897-0
PTN/S : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Program Studi : MANAJEMEN
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