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Fitri Siti Sundari, Yuli Mulyawati, Tustiyana Windiyani, Eva Mutia

Judul : Relationship of Fine Motor Skills with Vertical Writing Skills at Papandayan Public Elementary School Bogor
Abstrak :


This is quantitative research with a correlational study method, with the research title Relationship of Fine Motor Ability as an independent variable and Continuous Writing Skills as a dependent variable. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between fine motor skills and the ability to write upright to be connected to the sub-themes of harmonious living at home. The subjects of this study were classes IIA, IIB, IIE, and IIF Papandayan State Elementary School, Bogor Tengah District, Bogor City, Odd Semester of the 2019/2020 Academic Year totaling 104 with a sample of 51 respondents. The data of this study were obtained using the Guttman scale questionnaire using definite choices such as yes or no for fine motor ability variables and using writing test assessments for the variable continuous writing skills. The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between fine motor skills and vertical straight writing skills. This is based on statistical analysis which results in a correlation coefficient (rxy) of 0.714 and in the pattern of the problem becomes Ŷ = 39.42 + (0.476x) which means the level of relationship is relatively strong and a tcount of 7.14 is greater than the table with a real level of significance 0.05 of 2,404 and the table with a real level of 0.01 of 1,676 which means significant. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that there is a strong, positive and significant relationship between the relationship of fine motor skills with

Tahun : 2019 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi B
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 2 / 3 / 2019
ISSN/ISBN : 2580-5843
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : PENDIDIKAN GURU SEKOLAH DASAR
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