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Novi Fajar Utami, Sely Meidi, Sutanto, Usep Suhendar

Abstrak :

The Iler plants was plants that function as traditional medicinal plants. Flavonoid compounds in iler plants have antioxidant activity. One of the flavonoid levels in extracts are influenced by the extraction method used. This study aims to determine the best extraction method to produce the highest levels of flavonoids in 70% ether extract of iler leaves. Extraction was carried out using the methods of maceration, reflux, Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE) and Ultrasound Assisted Extraction (UAE). Determination of flavonoid levels in 70% ethanol extract of iler leaves was p erformed by UV-Vis spectrophotometry using AlCl3 reagent. The results showed that the best extraction method to produce the highest levels of flavonoids in 70% ether leaf ethanol extract was the Microwave Assisted Extraction method. Flavonoid levels with maceration, reflux, Microwave Assisted Extraction and Ultrasound Assisted Extraction methods, respectively were 0.41%, 0.45%, 0.75%, and 0.62%.
Keywords: Plectranthus scutellarioides, flavonoid, maserasi, refluks, MAE, UAE

Tahun : 2020 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi A
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 1 / 10 / 2020
ISSN/ISBN : 2622-755X
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : FARMASI
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