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Dipo Krishyudi Ono

Judul : DOCUMENTARY Chef Inmate Kitchen Activities in Prison 2nd Class A Paledang Bogor
Abstrak :

Indonesia as a law state where every citizen has the right to receive equal treatment before the law without discrimination, therefore the people who violate the law must be dealt with firmly so that the law continues to run properly. Since the enactment of the Penitentiary System, the term Prison in its development has changed to "Correctional Institution" or we call it “LAPAS” as well as the term prisoner has been changed to "Guided Citizens", then the term prisoner used in the writing of this proposal is "assisted citizens". Criminalization of a person is a process of giving punishments to individuals who are proven legally and convincingly have committed acts that are contrary to the laws and regulations. Acts that violate the legal provisions and legislation are usually referred to as crime.

Crime is often defined as an act that violates legal norms and prevailing social rules and has implications for granting criminal sanctions from the state. As a country that upholds the rule of law as stated in the 1945 Constitution Article 1 paragraph (3), law enforcement in Indonesia is fully the responsibility of the state in this case the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Winarno, 2007: 14), where in carrying out their duties carried out by law enforcement agencies in Indonesia, if someone has been found guilty and obtained a permanent legal decision from the court with a conviction (Criminal Prison) then, the Penitentiary that takes care of the lives of the Inmates during their prison period. And for each inmate carried out coaching during his imprisonment period in prison has been changed to Correctional Institution (LAPAS), for those who have undergone half their imprisonment they are given the opportunity to help the daily life of prison as "Tamping". Tamping is an inmate who has served half his sentence in the assimilation process concerned can help with work in Prison.

Inmate kitchen part of worker prisoner in Indonesia as known well call is Tamping that in the Class II A Paledang Penitentiary Institution is grouped into KPLP, Registration, Kitchen, Hall, Medical, and Administrative facilities. The making of documentary works with the theme of Correctional Institutions, especially the role of Inmate kitchen in Indonesia is still very rarely stated even to this day, which specifically addresses kitchen tamping which cooks like in "Ramsay meet the prisoner" and one episode of "60 day in", originating from America. Seeing this, I was inspired to make a documentary that depicted portraits of kitchen figures who professionally cooked responsibly for many people, especially those who were undergoing their imprisonment in prison.

Related to the guidance aspect as an effort to encourage the participation of the Guided Citizens, they can be appointed as leaders or stewards and guarantee the effective appointment and dismissal of leaders or tamping, which are usually carried out by the inmates who have taken half (half) of their imprisonment as "Assimilation" , therefore I want to raise one of the tamping, which is kitchen or cooking tamping, to see how the kitchen tamping process carries out activities in accordance with the fields and interests, and can find out the process of buying (supplying) food to manufacture and being consumed by the target people.


By giving roles and responsibilities to inmate kitchen, it also accelerates the process of adaptation and recovery and rehabilitation of the inmates before being deployed to the community after completing their prison period, where the kitchen is very instrumental in determining the daily lives of prisoners who have to provide three meals a day and for the number of approximately 1,000 people inmates and detainees at the Paledang Bogor Class 2nd A prison, such an initial thought was sparked by this documentary idea.

Correctional research institutes were chosen, namely Class 2nd  A Paledang Penitentiary in Bogor, there were several choices among them, Paledang prison had a kitchen tamping figure whose team was very solid in fulfilling daily food needs for the inmates according to the 10-day menu schedule with calories determined in accordance with the Circular of the Director General of Socialization of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia.

This study uses the Discovery Research method, which is the process of finding elements of creative potential that show daily activities of the kitchen as fostered citizens in prison. Then the results of the study are described through Documentary Research (Ahmad, 2012: 3). Communication and tamping behavior of the kitchen when undergoing cooking activities from the division of labor to food are distributed to the assisted citizens as well as the traditional process of tamping the kitchen before the release from the prison period.

Tahun : 2019 Media Publikasi : Seminar Internasional
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : 2 / 2 / 2019
ISSN/ISBN : 9786029335378
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : ILMU KOMUNIKASI
Bibliography :

Winarno. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Panduan Kuliah di Perguruan Tinggi. Jakarta : Bumi Aksara. 2007. Ayawaila, Gerzon. Dokumenter Dari Ide Sampai Produksi.Jakarta: FFTV-IKJ Press. 2008. Sugiyono. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D.Bandung: Alfabeta. 2013. Ahmad, JU. Documentary Research Method: New Dimensions. Diakses pada Sabtu tanggal 19 Agustus 2018 dari 2012.



